Kiddie Craft Recipes


Animal Tracks
Father's Day Card/Poster
Food Coloring Crayons
Glimmer Paints
Home Made Stickers
Home Made Crayon Fabric Paint
Home Made Fabric Paint
Home Made Face Paint
Mail Time!!!
Pearly Soda Clay
Sand Castles
Silly Putty
Tutti Frutti Watercolors
Glimmer Paints

1/2 c salt
1/2 c all purpose flour
1/2 c water
food coloring
Mix together the salt, four and water; the mixture should be about the consistency of pudding.  Add food coloring until the desired shade is reached, then use a funnel to transfer the paint to a squeeze bottle.  Use on finger-paint paper or other heavy paper and allow your paintings to air-dry overnight.  Store leftover paints in the refrigerator in airtight containers for up to 3 days; stir or shake before using.