Odds and Ends


Bathroom Cleaner
Dehydrating Your Own Potatoes
Designer' Oatmeal
Flavorprints of Spices and Herbs
Homemade Anti-Bacterial Spray
Homemade Wipes -- These are NOT all just for babies
Laundry Soap
Home made Mixes
Seasoning Cast Iron Pans
Softening Your Clothes
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Teething Biscuits
Homemade Anti-Bacterial Spray

1 gallon tap water
2 tbsp. regular Clorox bleach
Mix water and bleach in a clean, milk jug and label clearly as to contents. Pour as needed into a spray bottle, and use to sanitize counter tops, tables, cutting boards, bathroom surfaces, etc., as needed. This will keep without losing effectiveness for two weeks. This formula has been recommended by the Health Department for use in kitchens and bathrooms.