Beauty and Bath


Anti-bacterial Liquid Soap
Bath Fizzies
Diaper Rash Salve
Chocolate Mint Lip Balm Recipe
Coconut-Honey Wrap
Fizzing Bath Bomb
Foot Soak
Gardener's Soap
Glitter Gel
Homemade Hair Products
Homemade Wipes
Honey-Rum Hair Tonic
Hot Cocoa Butter Balm
Oatmeal-Blueberry Mask
Whipped Cocoa Bath
Honey-Rum Hair Tonic

from Cal-A-Vie Spa, Vista, CA

1 natural bristle brush
1/4 cup honey
2 eggs
1 oz. rum
1 plastic shower cap
1 oz. apple cider vinegar
7 oz. water
Brush hair for 2 minutes, be sure to start every stroke at your scalp.  This will remove protein debris from hair follicles, increase scalp circulation, and pull hair's natural oils down to the ends.
Warm honey in the microwave for 20 seconds.  Divide hair into sections; apply honey to scalp with your fingertips.
Mix egg yolks and rum in a bowl; stir well.  Using fingers, apply mixture from the crown to the ends of your hair. (The alcohol opens the hair shaft so the moisture from the egg yolks can penetrate your locks, says Cal-A-Vie Spa beauty manager Debra Mirr).  Cover your head with a shower cap.
Mix vinegar and water in another bowl.
After 15-20 minutes, rinse egg-yolk-and alcohol mix from hair with warm water.
Shampoo well; rinse with vinegar water mix.


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