Beauty and Bath


Anti-bacterial Liquid Soap
Bath Fizzies
Diaper Rash Salve
Chocolate Mint Lip Balm Recipe
Coconut-Honey Wrap
Fizzing Bath Bomb
Foot Soak
Gardener's Soap
Glitter Gel
Homemade Hair Products
Homemade Wipes
Honey-Rum Hair Tonic
Hot Cocoa Butter Balm
Oatmeal-Blueberry Mask
Whipped Cocoa Bath
Coconut-Honey Wrap

from the Spa Lea Lani in Maui, HI

1 cup clover honey
3 Tbsp canned coconut milk
1 cup sea salt
1 loofah
1 old bedsheet
honey body lotion (any of your choice)
Mix clover honey and coconut milk in a plastic container; set aside.
Fill the bathtub with warm water; pour in sea salt and soak for ten minutes to soften skin.
Use loofah to slough off dead skin cells on particularly dry areas, like elbows and knees.  Turn on the shower and rinse off.
Use your hands to cover your body with honey-coconut mix.  Wrap bedsheet around your body (it seals in moisture); leave on for 20 minutes.
Rinse off under cool shower water.  Towel-dry and rub on lotion.