

Applesauce Spice Cookies
Back-to-School Cookies
Cherry Chewbilees
Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
Cookie Pizza
Double Chocolate Chews
Espresso Shortbread
Fibber McGee Cookies
Grandma Donahue's Forgotten Angels
Healthy Monster Cookies
Honey Jam Bars
Lemon Cinnamon Cookies
Life-Like Cookie Dough
Mia's Christmas Cookies :-)~~~
Michael's Squishy cookies
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Original Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies
Russian Teacakes
Soft Molasses Cookies
Skillet Cookies
Sugarless Oatmeal Cookies
Texas Toffee Bars
Mia's Christmas Cookies :-)~~~

Hi everyone. I am not much of a baker. But this is what I do to make my Christmas cookies especially if you don't have the time. First I go to store and buy Pillsbury cookie dough with christmas tree in middle. I then go home and tell the kids we are baking Christmas cookies. Take out the roll. Pre-heat oven from what package tells me. We then cut the cookies out on the dotted line and thats my cookie recipe.